Privacy Policy


Welcome to the Portal of TRIPLE INVESTMENTS GROUP LLC (hereinafter referred to interchangeably as The Company). From the moment you enter the Portal or any of the web pages it contains, you should know that you are subject without reservation to the following Terms and Conditions of Use. For this reason, as a user of the Portal, we invite you to carefully read the following information:

Purpose of the portal and target audience:
This Portal is directed to employees; customers; suppliers; contractors; dependents; health professionals; consumers or potential consumers; users of the web portals of The Company or its affiliates, subsidiaries, subordinates and/or related companies; participants in sweepstakes, contests or promotional activities; users, followers or contacts of any page or account of The Company in any social network that it has or manages; visitors to the facilities of The Company; or in general, any owner when the contact made with him/her and the collection or processing of his/her data merits the protection of the same and the care defined by the law of protection of personal data in the United States of America. Users of the portal must verify that they are part of the group described; to that effect, the Company reserves the right to ask, acquire or consult information that proves the user’s condition.

This portal has been created to provide general information about the company, its history, raison d’être, Mission, Vision, Credo, Corporate Governance and Ethical Guidelines. It also offers information about the Company’s product portfolio and pages of stores where you can purchase the product catalog, customer service channels, news on topics related to the Company.

The information about our products provided on this Portal is not intended to replace your health care by a physician. The information is of a general nature. You should always consult with your physician before making changes to your treatment plan, as these health care professionals are trained to evaluate what is most appropriate for your specific care. Never disregard or delay professional medical help because of what you have read on this Portal. If in doubt, consult your physician and/or pharmacist.

Acceptance of terms and conditions:
The direct, indirect or assisted use of the Portal or the pages it contains implies that the user has read, understood and fully and unreservedly accepts the Terms and Conditions described herein; therefore, if at any time he/she does not agree with any of the aspects regulated herein, or is not part of the target audience, he/she should refrain from accessing this Portal. 

continue with your visit, it will be understood that you understand and accept the conditions described below, as well as our Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy, which can be consulted at

The Company, as owner and responsible for the Portal, and in its capacity as administrator of the information that can be obtained in this portal, reserves the right to modify the Terms of Use of the Portal at any time and without prior notice to its users. The new conditions will be incorporated immediately and will become effective once included in this document. The user agrees to review these terms and conditions upon entering the Portal, check the date of its update and keep informed of changes and modifications that may occur. The use of the Portal means that the User accepts, without reservation, the modifications, additions or deletions that are presented in the Terms of Use of the Portal.

Applicable law and jurisdiction:
The Terms and Conditions that regulate the use of the Portal or the pages it contains shall be governed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the United States of America. Any controversy that may arise between the User and the Company, due to the access and/or use of the Portal or any of the pages it contains, or the services provided therein, shall be brought before the judges of the United States of America and shall be resolved in accordance with the laws of this country.

Therefore, both the User and the Company expressly waive any other jurisdiction that may apply to them as a result of their present or future domicile. If the competent judge considers that any clause or part of the Terms and Conditions is invalid or unenforceable, the rest of the Terms and Conditions shall continue to apply in full effect. The Company acknowledges that there may be users of the Portal from other countries; these will also be governed in accordance with the applicable law and jurisdiction noted above. The Company cannot guarantee that the material on this site is appropriate or in accordance with the standards of other countries.

Registration and authorization of data use:
Access to the Portal is free of charge, that is, it does not require payment of fees or prior registration for viewing. The personal information provided by the User to access any content is received only if it is provided voluntarily and consciously. The user accepts and authorizes The Company to record this data in its electronic files, to be treated in accordance with the provisions of its Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy, which can be accessed from here:

Pursuant to such Personal Data Processing Policy, if the User decides to register his/her data, such data will be used for any of the following purposes: (i) Comply with legal obligations and guarantee their rights, (ii) Proceed with the proper management of the contractual, labor, civil or commercial relationship held with the company, (iii) Verify the veracity of the information provided through due diligence activities and verify the lawful origin of the economic activities carried out by consulting public or private sources of information, (iv) Prepare accounting and financial records, (v) Report and consult with credit bureaus, (vi) Perform statistical processing of data, (vii) Adequately address their requests, requests and complaints, (viii) Protect the safety and physical integrity of employees, contractors, customers, suppliers, visitors, as well as the facilities, property and buildings of the company, (ix) Develop and communicate activities whether they are wellness, continuing education in the areas of health care, relationship, updating of personal information, promotional activities of the brands and products that are marketed, all within the terms authorized by the respective legislation, (x) Inform about brands and products marketed by the company, as well as promotional activities carried out by the company, (xi) Send and deliver promotional and educational articles and product samples with no commercial value, in compliance with the applicable regulations, (xii) Send invitations to events, congresses, seminars, scientific, medical and academic talks, (xiii) Carry out due diligence processes regarding compliance with the obligations and commitments agreed upon, (xiv) Conduct internal studies on brands, products and consumer habits, (xv) Negotiate and enter into service and technical assistance contracts, as well as make payments for services rendered, (xvi) Make information reports required by public authorities in the exercise of their functions and in compliance with the law, (xvii) Share information with third parties and/or allied persons in charge for the fulfillment of the purposes described above, (xviii) Make contact by telephone, electronically or personally or physically for the fulfillment of the purposes described herein and to confirm or update data, (xix) Evaluate the quality of our products and the level of knowledge that consumers and users have about them, (xx) Share, transfer and transmit data to subsidiaries or companies of the business group to which the Company belongs, in order to carry out the processing of data in accordance with its policies or according to the purposes described herein, (xxi) Transfer and transmission of data to third parties with whom it makes alliances related to its corporate purpose, (xxii) Maintenance by itself or through a third party of the databases, and (xxiii) The other purposes determined by the Controllers in processes of obtaining Personal Data for processing and that are communicated to the owners at the time of collecting the personal data.

The User, as the owner of the data, may consult the Personal Data Treatment Policy that he/she accepts to know, which details the treatment, collection, storage, use and processing of the information collected, as well as the consultation and claim procedures that will allow him/her to enforce his/her rights to access, consultation, rectification, updating and suppression of the data, in the terms established by law.

In the event that sensitive information is requested, the User acknowledges that his/her authorization is voluntary. By entering the Portal and providing the requested information, the User voluntarily accepts and authorizes the processing of sensitive data to be carried out in accordance with the purposes mentioned in this document and the Company’s Personal Data Processing Policy.

The contact and use of the data may be made from the moment you provide them. For its part, with your acceptance, the Company undertakes to protect the confidentiality and secrecy of the data, not to transfer or sell them or allow access by unauthorized third parties. The Company may allow access by allied third parties under strict conditions of confidentiality and exclusively to fulfill the purposes described in this agreement, who in general will apply its data processing policy and that of the Company. The above authorization will be in force until the user expressly opposes, being able at any time to request to The Company their rights of access, rectification, updating, cancellation and deletion of data. Contact us by e-mail:

Information about minors:
The Portal is designed primarily for persons whose age is 18 years and older. However, if the User is a minor or his or her capacity to exercise is limited, the use of this Portal and its content must be supervised or accompanied by the acceptance of these Terms of Use by his or her parents, guardians or curators, as the case may be.

If the Company carries out an activity that is directed to or includes an audience younger than 18 years of age, parental consent must be granted in the event that such activity requires the collection of personal information, in accordance with data protection legislation. At no time are parents or guardians of minors obliged to authorize the processing of their children’s data, since it is sensitive data.

Once The Company verifies that the incapable or minor obtains the acceptance of these policies by their parents or legal representatives, it is understood that the use of this portal or the performance of the activity for which the user registered will be valid. The Company reserves the right to confirm this information to verify that consent is given for the use of the portal or for the actual enrollment of the user in the activities described.

If the user is a minor or incapacitated, he/she must refrain from entering and using the Portal without the prior consent of his/her parents, guardians or curators. If the Company discovers that it has collected information from minors or incapacitated persons without the consent of their parents, it will proceed to delete the record as soon as possible. The Portal, for purposes of verifying the age or parental consent, may contact the persons in order to validate the information provided. At no time are parents or guardians of minors obliged to authorize the processing of their children’s data.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Company clarifies that the purpose of the Portal is not to infringe upon the higher interests, fundamental rights, nor will it act against morality, or the physical or mental health of minors or incapacitated persons; nor is it to obtain confidential and intimate information of the User for the purpose of using it against him/her. The parents, guardians or curators of the minor or incapable User are fully responsible for the use that the minor or incapable User makes of the Portal or its content.

Informative Links:
The Portal contains diverse information including news, corporate information articles and other contents, which are published by the Portal for exclusively informative, educational or general knowledge purposes, in accordance with the limited liability of the Portal.

Likewise, in no case shall the Portal or the Company be liable for any damages that may be caused by the use of the Informative Services for purposes other than those authorized in these Terms of Use or in the documents that form part of the same.

The Company declares that it is possible that the information on the Portal may be incomplete, outdated or may be subject to revaluation. For this reason, the User is fully responsible for the management of the Portal, its contents and services, for the respective verification and validation of the same, as well as for the final use of the same.

Although the Company makes every effort to ensure that the educational information and recommendations that this Portal may provide are correct and up to date, the information provided should be understood as a guide and does not replace the advice of a health professional in case of illness or disease with respect to a particular situation. Regarding the information published in the Portal, it is established that its only purpose is educational and in no way seeks to give a final diagnosis to a disease, ailment or condition, nor to encourage self-medication or the consumption of drugs. It is recommended that if any symptom appears, the person should go directly to a specialist or health professional to be treated by him/her.

Purchase of products:
The basic information provided on the portal about the product portfolio and the purchase links do not constitute an offer to sell, as this is only offered for informational purposes. The company does not guarantee that any product appearing on the portal is available in the place where the User wishes to purchase it, nor that the sale value is the same as the one reported on the portal.

It should be noted that once the user enters the purchase link, he/she does so at his/her own risk. Therefore, the user will hold the Company
harmless for any claim or litigation arising from the use of external portals and the purchase of products.

Industrial and intellectual property:
The Portal, its content and all its industrial and intellectual property rights included therein, such as copyrights, trademarks, trade names, signs, graphics, drawings, designs, illustrations, software, music, sound, photographs, videos and other content are owned by or licensed to The Company under an authorization for its use.

Therefore, all right, title and interest arising from such rights are owned by The Company and/or its licensors and successors.

The User shall refrain from taking or improperly using the contents that may infringe these rights contained in the information expressed through the Portal, so it is not authorized its modification, reproduction, publication, use or distribution, without the prior authorization of its owners.

If the User violates a copyright or makes an improper use of such information, he/she shall be fully and completely responsible for the damages that may be caused to the Company or to third parties.

The ideas, opinions, suggestions and comments sent spontaneously and without prior request by Users to The Company, related to products, services or marketing plans, or of any other type, may be freely used by The Company, if it deems it convenient, for the development of new products, investments, businesses or marketing plans. The foregoing, under the understanding that such communications are not confidential and are not protected by the rules of intellectual property and therefore, the user sender of such information may not claim any compensation or participation by virtue of the legitimate commercial use that the Company gives to it.

User content (registration and chat):
With respect to the sections of this portal that may function as forums, chats, opinion spaces or comments, the User acknowledges that such virtual spaces are free and that he/she may freely express his/her ideas in them, without any prior control by the Company. For this reason, the responsibility of any kind that may be generated before the Company or third parties for the content of such information is exclusive to the User, who agrees to refrain from making improper, illegal, immoral or denigrating use of such sections. In the event that the Company observes an improper use of these spaces or any of the portals, it may limit access to the user or block it without prior notice and, of course, reserves the right to bring any actions that may be appropriate.

Likewise, the Company’s general policy shall be that in such events the information provided to the user shall be understood as merely enunciative, basic and preliminary, so that, in the case of health-related issues, the User is responsible for consulting such information with a competent professional, who, in person, can diagnose or recommend treatments under the appropriate conditions.

The Company is not responsible for content posted or shared by Users. In the event that the User engages in communications, whether online or by correspondence, the User acknowledges that such information is delivered in real time and cannot be immediately edited, censored, or controlled by the Company.

Users may not post or transmit any messages anonymously or under a false name. Users shall prevent any other person, not acting on behalf of and under the supervision of the user, from accessing the site using the user’s account for any purpose. Any information submitted using the user’s account shall be deemed to have been submitted by the user. In any event, The Company reserves the right to block access to or remove in whole or in part any User Content at any time it deems appropriate.

The Company is not obliged to review or reply to the messages or information registered by the participants in these spaces, and therefore assumes no responsibility for such registrations or registrations. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Company or its delegate for the administration of the Portal reserves the right to monitor such registrations with the frequency and in the manner it may determine at its discretion, as well as to delete any registration whose content is or may be qualified in any of the following ways: illegal, immoral, defamatory, slanderous, vulgar, discriminatory, or any other material whose content incites any behavior or conduct that may be considered illegal or against good customs, may entail any type of liability or may be detrimental to the image and good name of the Company, the Portal or its brands.

Limited liability:
This site is controlled and operated by The Company from its offices in the United States of America. However, The Company recognizes the global reach of the World Wide Web and therefore that other countries may have other legal or regulatory requirements that require reference to different or additional information than that provided herein. The Company cannot guarantee that the material contained in this site is appropriate or in accordance with the regulations of other countries.

The Company is not aware of all sites that may be linked to its site and is not responsible for the content of any off-site pages or other sites linked to its site. Those who freely access this site or who wish to access other sites linked to this site do so on their own initiative.

The materials on this site and its component pages are provided without warranties of any kind either express or implied. The Company does not warrant that the technical and operational functions of its site will be uninterrupted or error-free, that defects will be corrected, or that this site or the server that makes it available are free of viruses or other harmful components.

The Company provides the content of its site for informational purposes only and in the general interest of the community. Under no circumstances shall the Company be liable for any damages of any kind resulting from the use of material on the Company’s web site or materials on any site that has “electronic links” to the Portal.

The Company is not responsible for the operation, authorizations, data handling and transactions carried out in pages linked to the Portal. Once the user enters the link to an external page, the user will do so under his own responsibility and taking into account the terms and conditions of those portals totally unrelated to the Company’s Portal. Therefore, the user will hold the Company harmless for any claim or dispute arising from the use of external sites and the purchase of products.

Neither the Company nor any third party involved in the publication, production or transmission of this site shall be liable for any damages or injury resulting from your access to or inability to access, use or inability to use the site or from your reliance on any information provided on this site, or from your misuse of any information contained on this site.

The Company has no control over networks or lines, therefore, it shall not be liable for failures in the Internet network, computer equipment or mobile devices, connection problems, nor for technical or human errors, nor for deliberate actions of third parties that could interrupt or alter the normal development of the Portal.

The User should not use the information contained herein to diagnose his/her health or a health problem or disease. The User should always consult his or her own physician or an expert health care advisor. The Company makes reasonable efforts to include up-to-date information on its website, but does not at any time guarantee its accuracy. Therefore, the Company assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in the content of the site.

The Company is not responsible for damages to the Platforms that may alter or interrupt the normal development of the Portal or for damages caused to users as a result of the provision of data or information through the same, since it is understood that they do so spontaneously, freely and voluntarily, entering their real data.

The headings in these Terms of Use are for reference purposes only and in no way define, limit, constitute or describe the application or content of such section.

This site uses cookies. Cookies are small data files that are generated in your computer, which sends information without providing references that allow to deduce personal data from it. Users may configure their browser to notify and reject the installation of cookies sent by this site, without affecting the ability to access the contents. However, the Company is not responsible for the deactivation of the same prevent the proper functioning of the Portal.

The Web Portal may contain links to pages/websites outside the Company that contribute to provide information, updating and training to its users, however, the company will not be responsible for their availability, nor for the policies or practices of such links contained in the Web Portal. The links presented in the Web Portal are subjected to a rigorous quality evaluation so that there are always reliable Web pages, however, the User must adhere to and accept the terms and conditions of the respective portals to which he/she accesses that are not owned by the Company.

The Company reserves the right, without liability on its part, to terminate the use of the Portal for users who misuse it, or at any time in general, if it deems it appropriate and for the public or the community, without prior notice.

Duties of users
The user undertakes to use the contents found in the Portal in a responsible, diligent, correct, lawful manner, in accordance with the ethical principles of his profession and the activity or service he performs. In particular, the user agrees NOT to engage in the conduct described below:

a. Use the Content to incur and/or incite third parties to engage in activities that are illicit, illegal or contrary to good faith, morality, generally accepted good customs, public order, or to disseminate content or propaganda of a discriminatory nature, or that violate human rights.
b. Reproduce, copy, represent, use, distribute, transform or modify the contents of the Portal by any process or on any support, in whole or in part, for purposes not authorized by the owners.
c. Use automated scripts to collect information posted on the Portal or through the – Portal or to interact in any way with the same.
d. Cause damage to the physical and logical systems of The Company, its suppliers or third parties, introduce or disseminate computer viruses, Trojans, malicious code or any other physical or logical systems that are likely to cause damage to and/or are designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any software,
hardware or telecommunications equipment or to damage, disable, overload or impair the Portal in any way.
e. Attempt or attempt to access, collect or store the personal data of other Visitors and/or Users of the Portal and, if applicable, use the e-mail accounts or data of other Visitors and/or Users and modify or manipulate their messages.
f. Use the Portal and the Contents for illicit purposes or effects, contrary to the provisions of these Terms and Conditions, harmful to the rights and interests of third parties, or that in any way may damage, disable, overload or deteriorate the Portal and the Contents or prevent the normal use or enjoyment of the Portal and the Contents by the users.
g. Providing false personal information on the Portal, creating accounts for other people without their authorization or transferring the account without prior consent.

Contact us:
If you have any questions about these Terms of Use of the Portal or the Company’s Privacy Policy, you can send them to at

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